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Mobile App to Advance Tsunami Warnings in Fiji

(from UNDP in Asia and Pacific)




This blog post from UNDP, mentioned the background of using ICT, geoBingAn, for the drill earlier this year at March 1st. The latest PacWave2018 Fiji National Tsunami drill was involved 8 government agencies and 13 UN agencies, and successfully concluded at October 31st. All the drill related data & statistic are available right after the drill, at noon of October 31st, shown as attached.




Applying SBT and ICT to Strengthen Disaster Resilience

(ADB TA8884, Regional)


For the ADB TA8884 case, it has more details on how we engaged with community on mapping and crowdsourcing with ICT, in 4 pilot countries including Armenia, Bangladesh, Philippines, and Fiji. This TA leads to the national deployment of Fiji for Tsunami drill.




Taiwan 921 Disaster Damage Drill and Discussion held with International Partners




As for the Taiwan 921 drill, it’s about the cooperation among Austrian remote sesing company (GeoVille), research institute (AIT), and GeoThings. This pilot service is to (1) leverage high resolution satellite imagery for semi-automatic damage assessment, (2) validate the assessed area by tasking the volunteers/community, (3) feedback the validation for better automatic damage assessment.